In Newcastle we are clear Prevent is all about safeguarding; safeguarding people from the risk of radicalisation wherever it arises. Safe Newcastle partners, in law, have to have plans in place to train staff, but we can also offer advice and support that you may find helpful. We can point you in the direction of online tools and advice and are happy to share with you what the local referral process looks like, what is / is not Prevent and how any alert or concern is dealt with in a multi-agency way. The good news, is that there’s no need to worry about finding another form to make a referral. This is an important message. You make a referral through the usual safeguarding front door, for children and for adults.
We appreciate that for some organisations you need to demonstrate compliance with key principles of Prevent. Here, we might be able to help you as we have a Home Office accredited Prevent trainer who can deliver the most up to date WRAP 3 training (Workshop to Raise Awareness Around Prevent). All WRAP sessions are free.
For more information on our training offer, please contact:
Prevent is only one of the ‘4Ps’ of Government’s CONTEST counter-terrorism strategy. We would urge you to make full use of the many online materials that aim to keep you informed and up to date. This includes staying safe, procedures for dangerous packages and around infrastructure.